Functional Coregistration Tables

To relate the structural data to functional data, cell bodies must be coregistered between the functional imaging and EM volumes. The results of this coregistration are stored in two tables with the same columns:

  • coregistration_manual_v3 : The results of manually verified coregistration. This table is well-verified, but contains fewer {term}ROIs (N=12,052 root ids, 13,925 ROIs).
  • apl_functional_coreg_forward_v5 : The results of automated functional matching between the EM and 2-p functional data. This table is not manually verified, but contains more {term}ROIs (N=36,078 root ids, 68,873 ROIs).

Please see the Functional Data section for more information about using this data.

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The column descriptions are:

Column Description
id Soma ID for the cell
pt_position \ pt_supervoxel_id \ pt_root_id Bound spatial point columns associated with the centroid of the cell nucleus
session The session index from functional imaging
scan_idx The scan index from functional imaging
unit_id The functional unit index from imaging. Only unique within scan and session
field The field index from functional imaging
residual The residual distance between the functional and the assigned structural points after transformation, in microns
score A separation score, measuring the difference between the residual distance to the assigned neuron and the distance to the nearest non-assigned neuron, in microns. This can be negative if the non-assigned neuron is closer than the assigned neuron. Larger values indicate fewer nearby neurons that could be confused with the assigned neuron.

: Coregistration table {.light .hover}

Functional Coregistration Tables

To relate the structural data to functional data, cell bodies must be coregistered between the functional imaging and EM volumes. The results of this coregistration are stored in two tables with the same columns:

  • coregistration_manual_v3 : The results of manually verified coregistration. This table is well-verified, but contains fewer {term}ROIs (N=12,052 root ids, 13,925 ROIs).
  • apl_functional_coreg_forward_v5 : The results of automated functional matching between the EM and 2-p functional data. This table is not manually verified, but contains more {term}ROIs (N=36,078 root ids, 68,873 ROIs).

Please see the Functional Data section for more information about using this data.

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The column descriptions are:

Coregistration table
Column Description
id Soma ID for the cell
pt_position  pt_supervoxel_id  pt_root_id Bound spatial point columns associated with the centroid of the cell nucleus
session The session index from functional imaging
scan_idx The scan index from functional imaging
unit_id The functional unit index from imaging. Only unique within scan and session
field The field index from functional imaging
residual The residual distance between the functional and the assigned structural points after transformation, in microns
score A separation score, measuring the difference between the residual distance to the assigned neuron and the distance to the nearest non-assigned neuron, in microns. This can be negative if the non-assigned neuron is closer than the assigned neuron. Larger values indicate fewer nearby neurons that could be confused with the assigned neuron.

All Tables

heard you like tables–here’s a table for your tables
Table Name Number of Annotations Description
synapses_pni_v2 337,312,429 The locations of synapses and the segment ids of the pre and post-synaptic automated synapse detection
nucleus_detection_v0 144,120 The locations of nuclei detected via a fully automated method
nucleus_alternative_points 8,388 A reference annotation table marking alternative segment_id lookup locations for a subset of nuclei in nucleus_detection_v0 that is more accurate than the centroid location listed there
nucleus_ref_neuron_svm 144,120 reference annotation indicating the output of a model detecting which nucleus detections are neurons versus which are not 1
coregistration_manual_v4 13,658 A table indicating the association between individual units in the functional imaging data and nuclei in the structural data, derived from human powered matching. Includes residual and separation scores to help assess confidence
apl_functional_coreg_forward_v5 68,436 A table indicating the association between individual units in the functional imaging data and nuclei in the structural data, derived from the automated procedure. Includes residuals and separation scores to help assess confidence