We would like to thank the IARPA MICrONS Program, especially the program managers David A. Markowitz and Jacob Vogelstein, for their support, guidance and leadership on this project.
Allen Institute
We thank Hongkui Zeng, Ed Lein, Christof Koch and Allan Jones for their support and leadership. We thank John Philips, Sill Coulter and the Program Management team at the Allen Institute for Brain Science for their guidance for project strategy and operations. We thank the Manufacturing and Process Engineering team at the Allen Institute for Brain Science for their help in implementing the EM imaging and sectioning pipeline. We thank Brian Youngstrom, Stuart Kendrick, Nathaniel Middleton, Scott Harrison and the Allen Institute IT team for support with infrastructure, data management and data transfer. We thank the Facilities, Finance, and Legal teams at the Allen Institute for Brain Science for their support on the MICrONS contract.
Princeton University
We thank Garrett McGrath for computer system administration, and Larry and Janet Jackel for project administration.
Connectomics at Google
We’d like to thank the Connectomics team at Google, especially Jeremy Maitin-Shepard, for the development of neuroglancer, a critical tool for visualizing and sharing the data. We would also like to thank Viren Jain, Peter Li, and Google AI for supporting the development of the computational infrastructure behind this effort through helpful discussions and computing support.
John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
We’d like to thank the teams of Brock Wester and William Gray Roncal for creating infrastructure to share data between the performers of the MICrONS program