Citation Policy 

In cases where there is a publication about the data on the Site, cite the Primary Publications enumerated below, depending on the dataset and modality. Citation of the Primary Publications is essential when citing the resource in a scientific publication.

Cortical mm^3

MICrONs Consortium et al. Functional connectomics spanning multiple areas of mouse visual cortex.
bioRxiv 2021.07.28.454025; doi:

Layer 2/3

Structural EM data and segmentation

Dorkenwald, S., Turner, N.L., Macrina, T., Lee, K., Lu, R., Wu, J., Bodor, A.L., Bleckert, A.A., Brittain, D., Kemnitz, N., et al. (2019). Binary and analog variation of synapses between cortical pyramidal neurons. bioRxiv 2019.12.29.890319; doi:

Schneider-Mizell, C. Bodor, A.L., Collman, F. Brittain,D. Bleckert, AA, Dorkenwald, S., Turner N.L. Macrina, T. Lee, K. Lu, R. Wu, J. et al. (2020)  Chandelier cell anatomy and function suggest a variably distributed but common signal. bioRxiv 2020.03.31.018952v1; doi:

Functional imaging data (not yet available)

Zhou, P. et al. EASE: EM-Assisted Source Extraction from calcium imaging data. bioRxiv 2020.03.25.007468; doi:

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