Data Release v1181 (September 16, 2024) is the third quarterly release of 2024.

It includes tables added in v1078, with the following exceptions (removed tables still available in version 1078):

  • proofreading_status_public_release (superseded by proofreading_status_and_strategy from v1078)

  • manual_coregistration_v3 (superseded by manual_coregistration_v4 from v1078)

  • nucleus_neuron_svm (redundant with cell typing tables and nucleus_detection_v0)

The following tables have updated status or entries, from VORTEX proofreading and annotations

  • proofreading_status_and_strategy (newly proofread cells and upgraded cell status)

  • vortex_compartment_targets (new manual annotations)

  • vortex_astrocyte_proofreading_status (upgraded cell status)

Proofreading Summary (v1181)

Proofreading Status and Strategy

CAVE table name: proofreading_status_and_strategy

This table describes the status of cells selected for manual proofreading.

Column Description
pt_position, pt_supervoxel_id, pt_root_id Bound spatial point columns associated with the centroid of the cell nucleus
valid_id The root id of the neuron when it the proofreading assessment was made
status_dendrite True or False, indicates whether the dendrite is at least clean of false-marges. For extenstion status, see strategy_axon
status_axon True or False, indicates whether the axon is at least clean of false-marges. For extenstion status, see strategy_axon
strategy_dendrite Text codifying of most comprehensive proofreading strategy used on the dendrite. For details see Proofreading Strategies
strategy_axon Text codifying of most comprehensive proofreading strategy used on the axon. For details see Proofreading Strategies

VORTEX astrocytes v1: select and clean astrocytes in the column

CAVE table name: vortex_astrocyte_proofreading_status

Manual screening and proofreading of astrocytes as part of the as part of the VORTEX project.

Column Description
pt_position, pt_supervoxel_id, pt_root_id Bound spatial point columns associated with the centroid of the cell nucleus
valid_id The root id of the astrocyte when it the proofreading assessment was made
status One of 'non' indicating no cleaning or extension; 'clean' indicating neurite and non-astrocytic elements have been manually removed; 'extended' meaning astrocytic processes within the volume of the astrocyte have been comprehensively reviewed and assigned to the most likely cell

VORTEX synapse compartments v1: labeling the targets of basket cell axons

CAVE table name: vortex_compartment_targets

Manual labeling of synaptic targets of putative parvalbumin basket cells, as part of the VORTEX project. This is a reference table on the synapses table synapses_pni_2, and shares reference ids with the automatic synapse labeling table synapse_target_structure.

Column Description
target_id reference id of the synapse in synapses_pni_2
tag Manual label of synapse type. One of: 'spine', 'shaft', 'soma', 'soma_spine','orphan','other'. Orphan refers to orphan neurites; other is a catch-all for synapses that do not match other labels
pre_pt_position, pre_pt_supervoxel_id, pre_pt_root_id The bound spatial point data for the presynaptic side of the synapse
post_pt_position, post_pt_supervoxel_id, post_pt_root_id The bound spatial point data for the postsynaptic side of the synapse